You're Losing Valuable Inches If You're Only Focusing On Stretching Exercises To Increase Height - Health

If you've been trying to grow taller naturally, then you've probably already come across several different stretching exercises to increase height. Some examples of these types of exercises include the standing forward bend, the downward facing dog, and the head to knee stretch.

Stretching exercises to increase height do work great, but they are not the only exercises which should be part of your workout regime if you want to grow taller. Other exercises that focus on strengthening your core are equally as important.

When it comes to your core, you should focus on lower abdominal and lower back exercises. It may seem strange to think your abdominals could have any effect on your height, but many muscles throughout your body can impact how tall you actually are and how tall you appear to be.

These additional exercises to increase height help mainly by improving your posture. Your core muscles are a central unit working together. What I mean by this is, the strength of your ab muscles directly correlates to the strength of your lower back muscles.

Your lower back muscles are extremely important in maintaining good posture, and good posture helps you become taller. The flexibility of your spine is also related to your lower back muscles, so keeping these strong and healthy is critically important to increasing your height.

Three of the best lower abdominal exercises you can try are lower ab crunches, side crunches, and leg raises (lifts). Three of the best lower back exercises to increase height are the double forward bend, the backward bend, and the cobra.

As you add these exercises to your workouts, remember to maintain a healthy diet. A diet rich in protein, calcium, amino acids, and calories will give you the best chance to add inches to your stature.

Give your body ample time to rest, recuperate, and recover from the effects of gravity which can actually compress your spine as you walk or stand and can make you shorter throughout the day.

You'll always be at your tallest right when you get up in the morning because lying down at night reduces the effect of gravity on your body and allows your spine to decompress. As the day wears on and gravity takes hold, you'll find you lose a little bit of height. The less you sleep, the less time your body can decompress and the shorter you'll remain.

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