Grow Taller Quickly - 3 Simple Exercises To Make You Taller Through Leg Lengthening - Health
There are two ways to grow taller quickly; natural and man-made. The man-made method is all about using creams, herbs, pills and injections to stimulate the growth hormone however this can be seen as risky since these aren't prescribed medication. The best route to take is the natural way of growing taller and that involves lengthening the areas of your body that allow you to grow taller such as your spine, shin bones and your thighs. Try the following exercises to help you lengthen your legs.
The first is jumping. Jumping is a very simple and basic thing to do, everyone knows how to jump. However, jumping for growth involves having the correct method. Instead of just jumping around you want to jump from a flat platform (normally the ground) onto something higher (such as a step, box or bench). You may find this a little difficult at first but with enough determination you'll be able to increase your height in no time.
Still on jumping the next exercise is the jump rope. Using the jump rope too has its own technique to help you in the way you want and that is to keep both your feet together and keeping a good rhythm. Jump rope will put pressure on your shin bones which is what we want to help the growth process. Your aim is to do about 500 jumps a session, I know this may seem tough but to grow taller naturally you need to be determined and motivated to go through all of this.
Sprinting is another exercise that you should look into. Like jumping it puts pressure on your shin which is what you want to increase your height. When you sprint you want to aim for about 60 yards but you don't want to overdo it o make sure you only do this about 3 times a week and rest on the other days to make sure that you don't do more harm than good.
Our final exercise is cycling which is considered one of the best growing taller exercises to help you grow taller quickly. Once again there is a specific method to cycling, you want to raise your seat up to 4 inches before you set off on cycling exercises. A stationary bike is preferred but if you have a free moving bike then that isn't a problem either.
If you are looking to grow taller quickly then you want to use these exercises as they are a great way to grow taller however if you want to really see the results you will need to use a height increase program that you can follow daily for a period of time. Check out GrowingTallerForIdiots for a step-by-step idiot proof way to grow taller naturally ("The Height Stuff") that is GUARANTEED to have you up to 6 inches taller! Start today and see results in as little as 3 days!